Before Desi can help you, Desi must know you…
The beginning of the design process is calibration, where your designer learns about what you love & what you loathe, to design the perfect home for you. With Desi, this step can take the form of a conversation, a questionnaire. or show-n-tell!
“How can I learn your style? What do you prefer?” — Desi
Tell Desi what you want
Design by dialogue
If you’re articulate about design and a fast typist, this is a great option. Talking to Desi is a lot like chatting with ChatGPT, except that Desi is a design specialist.
Show Desi what you want
Pictures are worth thousands of words…
Got a Pinterest board or bunch of bookmarks of beautiful interiors you wish were yours? “Point” to those pics (i.e. paste in the links) and Desi will infer your style.
None of the above: Questionnaire
We have questions, you have answers
Don’t know where to start? Start here: Desi will ask you a bunch of simple ‘multiple choice’ questions; you fill out the form and then Desi fills in the blanks…